Ever since the first day of pre-K Jazzmon and I have been the best of friends. We played together on the playground and rode the same bus. When I was younger, both of my parents worked and they couldn’t afford a babysitter so I stayed at Jazzmon’s house until they came and got me. I invited her to all of my birthday parties and she did the same. We were in Girl Scouts together and created many memories through that. We went to camps over the summer and just spent the night over each others houses when ever we could.
At my house I have a clock the chimes every hour and a half. Every time the clock chimed we would stop whatever we was doing at that time and salute the clock. It had no real meaning, but it was some stupid thing we did as kids. We would even run out of my room while we were playing just to salute the clock. We never said anything until the clock stopped, then we would continue whatever we were doing at that point. I guess that when the clock chimes, time pauses for that period of time and we had to respect that moment.It was like some kind of unspoken oath that we still do. When ever she is at my house she eats all my chips and cookies. Even though we rarely buy nacho cheese Doritos she always seems to find a bag.
She is my person. The person I can trust and know that she will always be there for me, as I will be there for her.