My most prized possession is not even mine to possess. It is my mother’s sewing machine she bought almost six years ago. It is a white Brother Project Runway limited edition semi-computerized sewing machine.At that time I was obsessed with Project Runway and I wanted to be on the show and win. She took me to the store with her to price the sewing machines. We had no intention to buy a sewing machine that day. The one we had at home was very old given to my mother by her aunt. I learn how to sew on that machine. Because it was so old you had to feed the thread by hand into the smallest hole know to man, which was very difficult thing for a kid in 5th grade to do.
After I begged my mom to buy the machine, I torn it out of the box as soon we got home. Before she could even think of a project to began sewing I had it out of the box and started sewing anything and everything. I have created some of the most hideous creations with that machine and some of the best sewing projects I have ever made. The best thing about the sewing machine is that it threads itself. Instead of having a frustrated 5th grade kid who could not thread a machine to save her live, she now had a machine to do it for her. That sewing machine hum is what keeps this girl going and until it stops I will continue.