All posts by ggraves
Beowulf Song
Album Cover
Graphic Design
Lab Safety Rules
#5 Identity Crisis In the picture there is a cow who is confused about what it’s suppose to say. Instead of saying moo just like the rest of the ‘normal’ cows it does not. It may be from the cow trying to be different than the others or its just wrong. Esperanza want to be different from … Continue reading #5 Identity Crisis
#4 Breakaway
Esperanza is the main character in the novel The House on Mango Street. She has seen what happens if she can not breakaway from her surroundings. Her mother dropped out of school, her grandmother and many of the other women she knew have been entrapped. Through out the book she finds herself and strives to overcome the … Continue reading #4 Breakaway
#3 The House on Mango Street Poem
To the busted water pipes, and to the boys and girls To the hair and names and to the cats. To the five dollars to buy a bike. To the laughter and the old music box and the two broken arms. To the yellow Cadillac and to the one’s who don’t and Marin in Puerto Rico. To … Continue reading #3 The House on Mango Street Poem
#2 That cloud is God
In the vignette Darius & the Clouds , a little boy named Darius makes a profound statement about what a single cloud looks like to him. After talking about the clouds he points out one cloud and says,”That one right there. See there. That’s God, Darius said. God? somebody little asked. God, he said and made … Continue reading #2 That cloud is God
#1 Family of Little Feet
In The Family of Little Feet Cisnero uses characterization to show how the girls were maturing. Still young Esperanza and her friends were high heels around town, but to their dismay they were not expecting the reactions they received.While wearing the shoes the girls feel like Cinderella. Rachel teaches them how to strut “cross and … Continue reading #1 Family of Little Feet